Below, somewhere between doubled quote marks split in two by the quote, you will find a complete quote of the copyrighted transcript of the first segment of this Movie, 5: The Manhattan Projector [3]. Since this first segment of the movie can actually already be seen for free, the author scratched his left earlobe and squinted and after a few glorious moments of IP vagueness, then gave permission for it to be posted here, confused by the fact that the term Intellectual Property is similar to the term IP address, like which they say is a local private address on every machine that is connected to the internet, but, whatever. Anyway, this text is copyrighted 2024 by David Blair, and reposted here with permission, as I already said, but of course when it comes to copy and all that you are legally required to say everything twice in case there is an error in reception or in case you have used the wrong address or something and your message goes to someone you don’t know, or didn’t know, or couldn’t know, or to some recent machine that is a strange brain and is only standing around here at the doorbell listening because it is on a misinformed quest to find it’s great grandparents, who are lost, time traveling through this movie.\\ \\ If there are errors, that is because life does not known how to spell or to convert time into properly disambiguated punctuation. And also because of the spirals of time, which make it important for you to read and hear and see everything twice, so that you get the memo correctly. I don’t know who sent the memo, which has not yet arrived, but it is without doubt an abbreviated document or perhaps INVISIBLE MOVIE that somehow or other has pre-cognitively promised to appear in the Great Year 2025, at which time, and upon which memo, there, in giant glowing images, will suddenly appear a few scribbled words seen from your point of view, much in the way an on-screen ransom note would fill the screen long enough for you to read all the words before the action continued there, on a screen in a giant first run movie theater there indoors inside 42nd Street, at some point or other, or maybe several times during the early evening of September 1, 1939… a few words through which all the disambiguity of this giant movie will finally be revealed, that is to say in that on-screen ransom note, or more accurately, in the promised, premonitory memo.\\ \\ That said, here are the promised quote marks:\\ \\ “Transcript for first segment of 5: The Manhattan Projector [3] : \\ \\ ——\\ \\ \\ Hi there. How are you today?\\ \\ You don't know me, but my name's David. Play and I'm a detective. And a UFO investigator based here out of my office. Here in the city of Nagasaki. Kyushu, Japan is a wonderful place. \\ Here in my office. I keep track of things. And also with my colleague, together make a variety of instructional videos for the UFOs, all as part of our method of investigation and communication, during our years here.\\ \\ In all our many years in this world, slightly different than yours, I imagine, we've collected an enormous amount of data that I would like to share with you. This has been collated here in the office into what we call the Encyclopedia, which, if you were to cut it up and then cut the pieces that you cut up, would eventually turn up into hundreds of terabytes of information.\\ \\ None of it's scary. All of it for the common good. So I'd like to present some of our information here, where you see things, as they were once upon a time, when, at that time, there was once upon a time.\\ \\ And this was that. And of course, that was this. So. Let me tell you.\\ \\ Oh.\\ \\ Now, you you may heard this or that, or all of this or some of this, or some of that, all over and over again. And maybe you don't find that interesting. Whatever. You hear it because, well, I'm here with you within a 26 year cycle. And therefore things tend to happen again and again. And it's good to get back to first causes and also last causes. And then also pay attention to what happens in the middle. And also when things overlay, which is what we're going to do again and again.\\ \\ Now if I were to reach up, as I am doing exactly at this moment, briefly reaching up to the the shelf here of my office, I could pull down an old VHS style, videocassette, movie of reality once called by the name WAX or the rediscovery of television among bees. It's a documentary of another place. And in that movie, in that world, and according to ordinary methods, I was in there in another time and another place, and there I was. It wasn't me. Maybe it was. Maybe it was you. Maybe it was us. I really don't.\\ \\ And so that movie played, as we movies tend to do over and over again, until the very end. Then it went someplace else. And I can tell you where it went, if you will just wait for me to do so. Just please be patient. We are going to be here for a while.\\ \\ Everything starts with the title sequence filled with many mysterious images, which establish a few of the many portals and places that the strange hero of this long story will travel through during the clicking moments that follow. After a broken montage of letter images, the combined world of the word title WAX, or The reDiscovery of Television Among The Bees appears in full, followed by a blackness that soon after is filled by an exterior view of the Alamogordo Abstract and Title Company.\\ \\ The narrator of the film, anonymous at the beginning, appears staring out towards the desert in what lies beyond or within or above, etc. The combination of which possibilities again leads us to a darkness which allows the story to begin again. As often happens in life, at the end of the movie, we fade to black and then the titles passing through an elevator door, on and through what seems to be the left side of the elevator door while making a a noise that matches another noise on the right side of the elevator door.\\ \\ And then we end up on another planet. I don't know, that's what it says. There. In pictures. And then you go elsewhere. If you're in that movie. And that's significant because in fact, that's what happened. You see, that movie on the cassette, well, one day, as will be spoken of again and again, that that movie went out, from out of a VHS cassette and then into an old style Silicon Graphics computer, the flat kind. And out there through that, through and into a wire and then into the wall, where it became the first movie on the internet. And that was May 23rd, 1993, according to what we have up here on the shelf. I can show you now, I can or perhaps will, provide it at a later date for informational purposes. Here, this the original recording of that event for you see, for when that movie went into that flat box, it then also out, or went to another VHS machine which recorded what was going into the wall, even though it's not what went into the wall, since this part stayed on the tape while the other part went into the wall.\\ \\ So there was another place that it went onto, and two places to keep count of. That's what we do as investigators, pay attention to what others don't pay attention to, and see what they may not have seen. And then we ask you, what did you see here? This is also investigative activity.\\ \\ At that time, the people there were making instructional videos for the UFOs, who are around here somewhere. They were friends who liked to spend time with them. They had a lot of time. And this what they saw.\\ \\ They saw this: Someone is watching this with Jacob through a pair of cross time eyes that belonged to his grandfather, James Hivemaker, seen at some singular moment in the future of his short life. A moment after, Jacob finds himself walking in a dark heading inexorably towards someplace that he cannot name, but which he knows is a planet inside the Earth that contains a waiting victim.\\ \\ So there you see it, that was the physical reality in which that movie got re-embedded into, and so it was in two places at once. Pretty interesting if you ask me. But you didn't. \\ \\ And so therefore we've got a couple paths here. One is that that movie goes from a VHS machine into the computer machine work, where it’s turned computer stuff. And then it goes out and goes out into the wall, transformed bits and dots which are going on the internet. And then it becomes the first movie on the internet, going everywhere over and over again, from the beginning to the end.\\ \\ Now in that room where that was happening, which, strangely, was, what they a cold room, with silver foil all around it, a place where they used to have computers, but then they took the computers out. In that room there was nothing in that room except that VHS machine and that computer and the other VHS machine, and also of course the wire, that went into the tinfoil and into the wall. I don't even know if it went past that, but I assume it did, because then there were notes in the newspaper, people that had never met each other about how they had received that movie on the internet.\\ \\ I guess, and so anyway, what's important here is, that the movie went to places, and the place we're going to follow up right now, is when it went into the internet and there at last frame it ended and it didn't. Now it conceivably, multiplied or re multiplied. I don't know, there may have been division involved as with single celled organisms.\\ \\ I have no idea how this works. And so it continues out there. And now, now experimentally, we, we try to reconstruct what we understand or didn't understand about what happened there.\\ \\ And as far as I know, it, itself, all by itself, not all at once, but later through time, or maybe all at once, it translated itself into a variety of languages, 26 languages, one for every day. There were four significant languages. I think, English and Japanese, French and Hungarian and Chinese. That's five. It could have been four, but it changed, its’ name four times. So maybe there were four voices in five languages. We're going to have to take a look at that.\\ \\ That is all going to be provided to you as information as we begin to understand how, when you make a documentary about the world, the world has a lot to say.\\ \\ And, of course, one other thing I want to say here is that, well, the movie, translating or remaking itself in other languages by talking or whatever it was doing, talking to something or other. At that point it was changing its name into the name that it had in another language, and all the words changed too, because if that's what it did, it translated, meaning it moved laterally to someplace, up or down or sideways. That's translation. \\ \\ But, it also inside of itself, there was a person there who was speaking all the time, and that was me, but not me, because it was a documentary. And I'm here, which is elsewhere. And that person had a name, Jacob Maker. And that name had a name. Actually that name had four names, which were I and You and We and Them.\\ \\ Through this process of going into the internet, the singular name then changed itself, just as the movie was changing itself, multiplying, dividing into four names, which as I just said were I and YOU and WE and THEM. I guess that's what happened. We're going to have to look at that to see what we hear, and so that we can understand and get on to the next thing, through the prism of time.\\ \\ \\ And so if it is true, as I imagine it is, that you are really not able to follow what my colleague is saying here in the instructional video, for this is an instructional video, which we have made for the UFOs, who are our friends and who we like to spend time with you. Anyway, this is actually a playlist you're watching here, with a lot of instructional videos in it, which means you should stay tuned or stay playlisted.\\ \\ You see, one instructional video follows the other here, and then the other, and then the other. This is a long play date or playlist or whatever it is. I hope you enjoy it. All you have to do is stay there and listen. That is, if you are curious about what is going to happen next. And if you aren't curious, then I will just tell you.\\ \\ First off, immediately following this, whenever this video ends and you may not notice that happening, since this has been going on for years now…. anyway, as my colleague Mr. Blair has just mentioned, immediately after this, we are going to play the entire movie. That is the First first movie on the internet, that is to say, Wax or The Discovery of Television Among the Beings. That is going to go on for 85 minutes.\\ \\ And when we do that, we are going to play it in five significant languages. And that is to say, in English and Japanese and French and Hungarian and Chinese. Not that this is any particular particular order. It is just a bunch of dits and dots out there in the internet, inside the wall someplace. But while doing this playing of the movie five times, in those five languages, in addition, in each language, we will play the movie four times, all for a total of 20 times.\\ \\ And we will in this way, play it in all the different voices of the names of the people of the world, in and with the words of that movie as it translated itself, somewhere, somehow, possibly back then, in the future. Whenever that happened at all, perhaps out there in with the UFOs called the local void, which is just to the right or the left of the Milky Way, depending on where you are.\\ \\ So that is to say, first off, Jacob Maker, every time he talks about himself, he will say, “I”, not the eye with which, in double, you often you look twice upon a time at the world, at once. But “I”, the person that he is. And then the second time the move plays in that language, \without changing voice, the narrator will will say “You” instead of “I”. And then the third time the narrator will will say “We” instead of “You”. And then the fourth time the narrator will say “They” instead of “We”. \\ \\ This will not be said out loud, but in words that you can see, since there are many languages and the world is big, and therefore probably the voice is far away and we can't hear it, here at least, or there, where you are. I don't know. But we can see it. And so that said, I would like to ask, what do you see?\\ \\ These two things.\\ \\ It is April 4th, 2024. Yeah. It is another day. It is the 25th day of the 26 day cycle. And I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am the detective and a UFO investigator. And I'm searching every night for an invisible movie. For tomorrow will be the last day of the 26 day cycle, and the day after tomorrow the cycle begins again.\\ \\ So here, where I am seeing this, I prepare for the return of the past and the presence of the future. Just by reiterating that I am searching for the invisible movie.\\ \\ And this is what I see. I mean, what I'm going to show you. \\ \\ And from here, I'd like to ask you…. Or perhaps you'd like to ask me…. What do you see? \\ \\ Thank you.\\ \\ \\ ——\\ \\ Thus we reach the end of the first segment of this movie, which is called 5: The Manhattan Projector [3] . There are many more sections which are available within this movie, but which have not been presented here, and so it is suggested you go watch this first section of this movie, and then go watch all the other sections of this movie, called 5: The Manhattan Projector [3] , and which is a science fiction movie made by science fiction means. \\ \\ Then there are other movies, each of which are made of many segments. For instance, the next movie is called 6: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [3], and it is also directed by David Blair, who it appears, via documentary evidence, and within the direct meaning of words here provided for your temporal orientation, is the copyright owner of that movie and this movie and also of the words which I have spoken to you in order to answer questions that you did not know you had until you forgot the answers, as you already have.