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Below, somewhere between doubled quote marks split in two by the quote, you will find a complete quote of the copyrighted transcript of the first segment of this Movie, 7: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [4]. Since this first segment of the movie can actually already be seen for free, the author scratched his left earlobe and squinted and after a few glorious moments of IP vagueness, then gave permission for it to be posted here, confused by the fact that the term Intellectual Property is similar to the term IP address, like which they say is a local private address on every machine that is connected to the internet, but, whatever. Anyway, this text is copyrighted 2024 by David Blair, and reposted here with permission, as I already said, but of course when it comes to copy and all that you are legally required to say everything twice in case there is an error in reception or in case you have used the wrong address or something and your message goes to someone you don’t know, or didn’t know, or couldn’t know, or to some recent machine that is a strange brain and is only standing around here at the doorbell listening because it is on a misinformed quest to find it’s great grandparents, who are lost, time traveling through this movie.

If there are errors, that is because life does not known how to spell or to convert time into properly disambiguated punctuation. And also because of the spirals of time, which make it important for you to read and hear and see everything twice, so that you get the memo correctly. I don’t know who sent the memo, which has not yet arrived, but it is without doubt an abbreviated document or perhaps INVISIBLE MOVIE that somehow or other has pre-cognitively promised to appear in the Great Year 2025, at which time, and upon which memo, there, in giant glowing images, will suddenly appear a few scribbled words seen from your point of view, much in the way an on-screen ransom note would fill the screen long enough for you to read all the words before the action continued there, on a screen in a giant first run movie theater there indoors inside 42nd Street, at some point or other, or maybe several times during the early evening of September 1, 1939… a few words through which all the disambiguity of this giant movie will finally be revealed, that is to say in that on-screen ransom note, or more accurately, in the promised, premonitory memo.

That said, here are the promised quote marks:

“Transcript for first segment of 7: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [4] :


These clusters resemble the remaining shapes of compacted trash still occasionally found within the moon mud of the dirt island there on Nagasaki Harbor, where the shapes of the slow waves that still crash in an odd and irregular fashion on the sad shores of that island. And for the crabs that carried fragments of compacted and striated trash on their backs when they marched in irregular syncopation from place to place on the island, dancing in their own way to the tingling tickle caused by the highly communicative mini magnets.

That is to say, at this point in the instructional videotape, here, we are not so much interested in where the magnets were located, but I think I said it was on the moon, wherever they were located. These dirty moon magnets remained in constant and by now illegal use by the human and geomagnetic surveyors, who since that time have taken to walking around the island every day from the beginning of every day.

And so their use of the tingling sensations and the scientific use of many magnets creates and then accentuates strange, dusty, distant feelings of connection and understanding between the ocean dumped moon mud dirt dropped there by the theft driven unconscious digging machines that originally stole that original old moon dirt away from the moon. And so there is a connection that can be felt between that dirt and the highly receptive lunar origin of that dirt, that is to say, with Nagaoka crater back there on the moon. For it is said by the scientists, of course, that the old moon crater could feel every step that the surveyors made on the island across the great distance. And of course, usually also respecting the speed of light at this moment, said the scientists. Far away, the vacuum dried, wounded, unmoving, and still very sensitive void surface of the imitation impact hole known as Nagaoka crater, is magnetically glimmering.

And this is due to the illegally sized mini magnets, which, though small, are much larger than the moon authorities allowed for the administrative priest creatures, who served as the administrative interface of the lunar entity, and who were strict and eager to enforce their interpretations of the various physical codes that they claimed kept the moon in one piece in the sky.

No one wants two moons when they can have one…. those priest creatures were often to be heard saying to themselves, all alone in their awful offices as we listened in from far away over the constantly lit inner lunar intercom, as we lay at home in our deep bed, in the tiny lava cubicles we lived in and seldom left out there on the dark side of the moon, just to the left and the right, if you prefer, of the bright side of the moon.

If you would like to know. Nagaoka crater was large. But the moon itself is always bigger. But that is one of the unspoken rules of the relative size of moon craters. It's all caps rule, which also has been interpreted by the moon priest creatures to set a legal limit to the vibratory size of any miniature magnets, including those that were at this time causing illegal magnetic tickling on the moon and also in reverse by the same mechanism at a far distance simultaneously in the moon mud lump that had recently arrived in the sudden shape of a glum island in the well-defined Nagasaki harbor, and which at that moment was the exact location of the anti geomagnetic survey. So both the crater and the scientists could feel many magnets, and this was in fact probably illegal, but I'd have to look it up encyclopedia to find out exactly how and why. And I'll do that a little bit later for you in this instructional video, videotape.

Despite this implicit crime, it was a nice day in Nagasaki harbor. Or so said the always optimistic and geomagnetic surveyors who at that moment were ankle deep there in the mysteriously moody moon mud that covered the top of the island there in Nagasaki harbor, intoxicated by the rays of the solar entities and the magnetic lengths of the night glow entity. They did not stop, to pause, to think, why is this happening to us? Which you would think they would think, not in capital letters, but more discreetly. Why is this island here, when it most likely really should be back up there on the moon? However, they did not have these thoughts, so had no reason to examine their reactions or pin down the source of this intuitive sentiment, which was causing them to tingle.

As a result of this, a tingling chill overcame anyone who got too close to the island. Everyone feeling it was too busy feeling it to actually ask why that island was there or where it was, and why was it not, for instance, actually over there, a bit to the left, for maybe that is where it was really supposed to have been placed?

Maybe it should have been placed in another harbor or out on the planet Mars, or where it would have easily blended in before blowing away. The reason was simple. Before the moon dirt was dumped here, there was, in fact, exactly at that spot in the harbor deep under the water, conveniently shaped hole. That was an exact negative volume, corresponding exactly to the amount of moon dirt soon to be dumped there, after having been stolen from the moon's surface. The theft, which of course caused the creation of the oddly named crater known as Nagaoka crater, and which you can see if you look for it up there. It was as if that hole in the harbor floor had been put there expressively for the purpose of dumping all the moon dust there.

After the unconscious theft, machines up there on the moon had dug up that moon hole, creating the craters and taken out of its deepest depths all the moon dirt, dust that they now did not know they had, but they did know that they had to get rid of it before the priest creatures could pin this crime on them as well.

After that via automatic means, since they were not intelligence, the unconscious theft machines then began to make use of mysterious radio magnetic pop music pop-up telescopes partially made of metal, partially made of popular music, which they used to search the skies for the obvious location of the earth, and then when that was found, they then looked all over the Earth via radio astronomical pop music means for a convenient and disguising place to dump the stolen dirt of which they were not aware. So it was in this way that the unconscious machines quickly discovered that hole in the ground in Nagasaki harbor, which was exactly what they were looking for, since it was the same size and shape as the huge pile of dirt that they had taken from the stolen moon.

In addition, lots of convenient trash had already been dumped in the vicinity of the water hidden hole, which could be used to disguise the moon dust vibrations so that no one, including the priest creatures, would notice that the dirt was missing, or know where it had gone so soon after the dumping was accomplished with quick mechanical gestures. Now all the dirt was there, with some of the dirt now sticking out of the gentle waves that sank above the mountain of dirt beneath.

It turned out that the amount of dirt was bigger than the hole, and thus the overflow had the effect of creating this new tiny island there. This was convenient and exactly as planned, or as the unconscious machines might have planned, if they had known how to make a plan. The unexpected fact that an island had formed, and that this island made a little bump above the harbor waves of water was convenient, for it allowed the unconscious machines to keep an eye on the top of the dirt island via remote sensing methods, and thus make sure that none of the well known dirt pirates of the Nagasaki region came by in their floating concrete boats to steal the stolen moon dirt. It was in fact common for the rough and ready dirt pirates of Nagasaki to do such things, to discreetly steal unlocked down mud, and then just as discreetly pack the mud into large envelopes, then sending the mud via book rate mail to their main office in Tokyo, where the packaged book mud was then painted to look like bricks and piled up into lighthouse shaped structures that everyone in Tokyo declared looked like the western lighthouses they had seen on television.

So, as you have seen in some detail from the information provided in this instructional video, the solar system is full of dirt pirates of all different types, and many of them are quite successful. However, why had there been a hole there placed so conveniently in the ancient past to later serve as an exact dumping place for the unthinking criminal moon machines?

Actually, the now filled but previously empty hole in Nagasaki harbor had a hideous history of which no one was aware. This history began at the beginning of lunar life, back at a time when ugly metal moon demons, who at that time were happily married and lived in lava tubes under the lunar north pole. Or at least they did, until the moon turned upside down and then again inside out not so many years later. This is the time when the story of the hole in the harbor was first told, and since that time it has been told again and again before the stolen lunar dirt had been unceremoniously sub dumped in that underwater hole by the superstitious and very religious unconscious void machines who had dug and stolen and carried the dirt via the unconscious use of high powered and mysterious Edo rotary energy engines.

Before that, the preexisting sub harbor hole had already been there. Obvious, of course, to anyone who was already there, for this hole before that time had already been famous as a preexisting hole well marked on the Nagasaki Harbor Harbor bottom underwater navigation maps, maps often used by the police during lengthy scuba chases, and also by those who the police were chasing.

That is to say, by the criminal owners of thin walled miniature one man ceramic spy submarines manufactured by Korean Christians, who during that epic were still being held captive inside the horrible, Volcanic Caldera called Mount Aso, nearby and not easily reached by submarines, for it was floating in the sky above the ground. That is to say, it was a floating island in the sky.

However, these interesting Korean ceramic submarines were usually illegally sold overseas, where they were purchased by vigorous Unitarian criminals who had the tendency to use them in the waters of Nagasaki harbor, causing many criminal problems in the process. As we may see at some point, it is probable that these Unitarian submarine or members of the international criminal class were probably there under water, attempting to make contact with what later came to be known as the strange brain, who lived under Hashima Island.

Anyway, the presence of these submarines led to many high speed underwater chases, many of which passed by the missing hole in the ground to the harbor without stopping. It was lucky for them they didn't stop, so this hole did not have an ordinary origin story, and such was the subject of many fabulous and unfortunately true rumors, all of which were mentioned in the soft and angry voices that had always repeated the facts for as long as anyone could remember, which fortunately, usually wasn't very long in those days.

It was therefore well known that strange things happened there at that hole. I don't remember what, I guess it was this or that, or this or that very strange, terrible, horrible event that had happened in that same way over and over again exactly in that place, always, somehow or other involving in the long descriptive passages that describe what had happened, and then the sudden, unimaginable intervention there at that moment of famous flying saucers of the past.

These famous saucers themselves had heard that strange things happened there very often, and so had traveled there to arrive at the moment something was happening, in order to see that happen for themselves. Interestingly, of course, to the unconscious eyes of the lunar dirt thieves, the hole just seemed to be a hole filled with water, so they didn't pause at all before dropping the great island sized load of dirt that they were carrying directly into that hole.

Whatever had happened there before that, under the harbor waters was notorious and then later forgotten, so that by the time of the second crime, the dumping of the dirt, the only creatures besides the lunar dirt thieves that did not ever hesitate to visit the place were unfortunate creatures who had already taken up residence there. A peaceful, formal permanent colony of glowing waterborne earthworm parasites who had effectively eaten all the local Nagasaki dry land earthworms and having nowhere else to live, had taken to living in the water, for that was the only way in which they could easily live in their own skins. In those skins, they could be seen dancing down there under water in the hole on dark aquatic nights, a vision that was welcomed by dark, lonely fishermen and their overeager mermaid lovers, for it allowed each member each couple to see each other. The mermaids, who were both young and old, and quite harmless, though completely wet, were quite talkative, especially on the subject of the glowing earthworm parasites that lit the night of love with little shadows that also cast strange echoes there in the aquatic medium of their mermaid land, to which the sailors were always welcome.

The mermaids would talk on and on, naming the names given in their own mermaid culture to the forms and shapes that the dimly visible and numerous glowing underwater swimming, drowning earthworms made as they danced.


Thus we reach the end of the first segment of this movie, which is called 7: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [4] . There are many more sections which are available within this movie, but which have not been presented here, and so it is suggested you go watch this first section of this movie, and then go watch all the other sections of this movie, called 7: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [4] , and which is a science fiction movie made by science fiction means.

Then there are other movies, each of which are made of many segments. For instance, the next movie is called 8: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [5], and it is also directed by David Blair, who it appears, via documentary evidence, and within the direct meaning of words here provided for your temporal orientation, is the copyright owner of that movie and this movie and also of the words which I have spoken to you in order to answer questions that you did not know you had until you forgot the answers, as you already have.

losttribes/7en.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/21 16:22 by davidblair

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